Kristen Fowler

Kristen Fowler's Fundraiser

We can, with your help, fund the cure. image

We can, with your help, fund the cure.

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$700 towards $500

This event will benefit the non-profit organization The Alliance To Cure Cavernous Malformation, the only patient and research organization supporting those affected by cerebral cavernous malformations. A cavernous malformation is a raspberry-shaped abnormal blood vessel in the brain that can hemorrhage and cause strokes, seizures, disability, and even death in both children and adults. People with hereditary forms of the illness can develop many cavernous malformations in a lifetime. I have 100s. Currently, brain surgery is the only treatment. Alliance to Cure is working with researchers to develop medications that will prevent hemorrhage and prevent the development of more lesions.

Funds from our event will support Alliance To Cure's DNA and Tissue bank, patient registry, international scientific meetings, and the development of clinical centers of excellence. We are driving research toward a cure!