Kimberly Jackson

Kimberly Jackson's Fundraiser

Help us Accelerate the Cure for Cavernous Malformation image

Help us Accelerate the Cure for Cavernous Malformation

Be part of the cure.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$2,470 towards $10,000

Waylon Jackson, age 10, was diagnosed with a genetic form of cavernous malformations, CCM 1 at the age of 1. This rare brain condition resulted in Waylon having to endure brain surgeries during each of the first four years of his life. Thankfully he has come through these challenges with residual deficits that, so far, have been minimal. The next time he may not be so lucky. There is no cure for CCM, and treatment is limited to brain/brainstem surgery to remove the malformations and medication to control seizures. Please contribute in Waylon's name to support the 6th Annual OC walk benefiting the Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation and their efforts towards better treatments and a cure.

All donations go to support the mission of the Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation.